Summary Email Generator

Bellevue College's Disability Resource Center

In Summary Email Generator:
  1. Select the checkbox for the accommodations to be included on the student's Access Meeting Summary in AIM.
  2. If you need to make temporary changes, select the "Toggle Edit" button. You may need to resize the edit window in the bottom right corner to make the text box larger. If you need to make permanant changes, please contact your administrator.
  3. Select the button "Generate Summary" to view your selections in AIM formatting.
  4. Select the button "Copy to Clipboard" to temporarily hold this information.
  5. To reset this page, select the button "Restart" or use the keyboard command CTRL+R to refresh your browser.
  1. In AIM, go to your student's profile and select "Custom Documents."
  2. Paste your summary into the "Additional Content" field. To paste, you can right-click or use CTRL+P.
  3. Preview and Save the custom document to your student's profile.

Common AIM Codes Common Allowed Tags

Summary Email Generator 3.0, created by BelowLevelAccess, 2024. This generator was created for Bellevue College's Disability Resource Center using HTML, CSS and javascript. Request a Permanant Change | Need Help?